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Love Poems For You Soul Mate
Nothing Can Compare 2 “U”
The gentle breeze of the air around me,
The sound of the ocean slowly rolling,
The beauty of the sunset,
The feel of the sand as I walk along a beach,
Can never compare to you.
The sweet smell of a rose,
The kiss of the snow as it falls to the ground,
The bite of the rain as if falls on me spinning in the street,
The love of my family and friends,
Can never compare to you.
Nothing in this world,
Can compare to the way I feel for you..
The way I feel when I’m with you,
Nothing can compare to tour embrace,
I would give everything… to feel… this love,
The love you once had for me,
“Life Without You”
Ray Ostrander
Alone in hell, I have nowhere to turn
Memories of you, my love you spurn
Unseen forces brought us together
My heart is scarred, broken forever
In my dreams, I feel your touch
My heart is full, never so much
Time heals all wounds, this is a lie
My soul is lost, wanting to die
With broken pieces, I shall carry on
Crying forever with what’s left undone
Love Poems by Writers
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More Love Poems
I’ll Make You Mine
When I don’t see you,
I feel so lonely,
I find many faces,
But I miss you only,
The moment you are before me,
Nothing else I want to see,
I want to be yours for always,
Nothing else I want to be,
I want to be left behind by time,
For a moment that last forever,
In that moment I’ll make you mine,
And our love will end never,
I’ll to look in your eyes,
And get inside your dreams,
Share your every thought,
And explore your realms,
I’ll enter your heart,
And get dissolve in your blood,
Then search your every part,
With the flow of blood stream,
I’ll run all over your body,
More on Love poems for you soul mate
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