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Love Poems For Husbands
Nothing Can Compare 2 “U”
The gentle breeze of the air around me,
The sound of the ocean slowly rolling,
The beauty of the sunset,
The feel of the sand as I walk along a beach,
Can never compare to you.
The sweet smell of a rose,
The kiss of the snow as it falls to the ground,
The bite of the rain as if falls on me spinning in the street,
The love of my family and friends,
Can never compare to you.
Nothing in this world,
Can compare to the way I feel for you..
The way I feel when I’m with you,
Nothing can compare to tour embrace,
I would give everything… to feel… this love,
The love you once had for me,
Restless heart
Oh my loving heart
Oh my dear me
Why for heaven’s sake
You insist on killing me.
Going after a tender look
Or a gentle whisper whatever it took
Breaking your own self in bits and pieces
If you want to commit suicide
Go for it alone
Why taking me with you?
If you had enough of life beats
I’m still willing to
I’m still young and I want to be free
There is no time left for you to waste
Look for other things to love
Other than chains of love
Love is so sweet
But there are other needs beside heat
Calm down you will have your time
It’s just that it’s not fitting now
I’m just a teen aged nineteen
Love Poems by Writers
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More Love Poems
Give Me Your Hand
Give me your deepest morning hug
When the sun shines on our bed
Give me the strength of your love
All the words that you never said
Give me back my fantasy dreams with you
Touch me with the same soft caress of yours
Give me every moment that I shared with you
When all glumness flew off in a single whew
Give me those addictive warm smiles
the crescent of your shining rosy lips
Give me that tender look of sparkle eyes
Your moon face that drabbed the blue skies
Give me all those precious memories
fire of love that my heart always lights
Give me back the golden days of pure love
More on Love poems for husbands
Searchable Love Poems
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