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Love Poems For Teenagers
Silver moon goddess
Pink crimson-gold sunset
followed by deep purple twilight
passing silently into
crystal moonbeamed night
of velvet dark softness
She, a goddess of silver sphere
delicate fingers drip azure diamonds
to wondering waiting world below
I, a goddess of red silk beauty
and jeweled emerald incadescence
worshiped by skillful hands and lips
of high priestly adoration
My love is a garden of deep
secret pools bathing the souls
of lovers in subtle warm pleasure
floating fragrant caress of
of white lily and aromatic oils
speak of my sweetest surrender
to him with whom my heart and soul
Give Me Your Hand
Give me your deepest morning hug
When the sun shines on our bed
Give me the strength of your love
All the words that you never said
Give me back my fantasy dreams with you
Touch me with the same soft caress of yours
Give me every moment that I shared with you
When all glumness flew off in a single whew
Give me those addictive warm smiles
the crescent of your shining rosy lips
Give me that tender look of sparkle eyes
Your moon face that drabbed the blue skies
Give me all those precious memories
fire of love that my heart always lights
Give me back the golden days of pure love
Love Poems by Writers
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More Love Poems
Language of Love
Oh honey.. don’t use the words
For they have lots of meanings
Chatter me by your eyes
I will not ever miss a meaning
We have reached mutual understanding
We are on the top, no need for landing
The Whisper of your heart is so clear
It needs no ears to be heard
Only need your hands to pull me near
So that I can be able to hear
Gentle whispers of your loving beats
Put my head on your shoulder
Put my hand near your heart
Let us have our private speech to start
Every beat is a different word
Every look conveys different thought
Talk to me darling I long to hear
Your heart’s language is so sheer
More on Love poems for teenagers
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